In at the very least one instance, Blog del Narco may have resulted in major arrest-of prison warden after a video uploading detailed her claimed system of setting prisoners cost-free in the evening to lug out murders for drug cartel. In see to Mexico City earlier this month, President Barack Obama concentrated on financial possibility, resembling the upbeat rhetoric of Mexico's new president, Enrique Pena Nieto. Site has come under duplicated cyber-attack-the federal government was extra aggressive than Narcos in this respect, Lucy claimed. Lucy stated that after receiving the call, she right away transferred to one more part of her home city, in north Mexico, and prepared to leave. The anonymous writer was a mystery till last month when she exposed to the Guardian and Texas Observer she was a female, not a man as previously presumed, and that with her colleague she had written a publication, Dying for Truth: Undercover Inside Mexico's Violent Drug War. Blog del Narco is a web experience which has narrated Mexico's medication battle with shocking tales and graphic pictures couple of others dare show.

In 2011, 3 contributors of El Blog del Narco were killed. Lucy informed the Guardian that she is currently in Spain, however has still not spoken with her partner since that eventful call last week. In April, Lucy and her companion additionally released a book called Dying for Truth, which speaks about threats they have faced as they report on Mexico's drug battles. El Blog del Narco has been reporting on drug violence in Mexico for the previous 3 years, providing details on executions, cartel fights and obstructions that conventional media rarely reveal.
El blog del narco lista code#
Blog writer duo had agreed to utilize run as code word for leaving country when things obtain dangerous, but had never executed this sharp prior to. Lucy informed the Guardian that her companion told her to run and hung up right away. ** If you want us to remove all links leading to your domain from Plex.page and never use your website as a source of the "Online Knowledge", please contuct us using a corporate email and we will remove everything in 10 business days.MEXICO CITY-An anonymous, twentysomething blogger is offering Mexicans what they can not get elsewhere-an inside sight of their country's surging drug war. * Please keep in mind that all text is summarized by machine, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions. Lucy said she fled immediately after getting the phone call and heading to another part of her home city, which is in northern Mexico, and is prepared to flee. The country registered 2,439 cases of COVID-19 and 125 deaths as of Tuesday. During the prohibition period in the 1930s, the Gulf Cartel started as a smuggling company that sold alcohol to the United States during the prohibition period. Gulf Cartel gunmen allegedly killed seven people in a beer warehouse on the same day as photos of suspected organised crime members delivering food to the poor, showing allegedly organized crime members selling food to the homeless. People were told the labels were placed on the boxes to warn that the assistance did not come from the government, according to El Blog del Narco. Cartel del Golfo in favor of Ciudad Victoria, according to photos of boxes with labels. According to El Blog del Narco, the so-called Gulf Cartel, which operates in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas and Los Viagras in the western state of Michoacan's northwest state of Michoacan, allegedly delivered food to at least 200 poor families. Alleged participants of the Mexican Gulf Cartel began to serve food at a Mexican Gulf Cartel. Lucy said that while certain positive things were indeed happening, the leaders played down violence and narcotrafficing. President Barack Obama listened to economic prospects during a trip to Mexico City earlier this month, repeating Enrique Pena Nieto's upbeat rhetoric. In this regard, Lucy said the government was more aggressive than narcos. The anonymous author was a mystery before last month, not a man, as previously expected, and that she and her colleague, Dying for the Truth, Mexico's Violent Drug War, was a mystery until last month. Del Narco is an internet sensation that has chronicled Mexico's drug war with graphic images and sad tales that few others would not dare tell.

A blog in Mexico covering narco cartels said on Sunday that armed members of a Mexican narco cartel are giving groceries to low-income families to help them cope with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic's pandemic.