Rarely without his bodyguards, Michael spent a day in the countryside with Kay touring his hometown, when he asked for her forgiveness ("I'm not the man that you think I am") and they contemplated their lives together ("I had a whole different destiny planned"), and Kay admitted her steadfast love for him ("I always loved you, Michael"). Michael was unhappy with the chain of events: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" and was incapacitated in his kitchen with a diabetic stroke (when he called in agony for Fredo), so Vincent ran the criminal business, ultimately becoming Michael's reigning 'godfather' heir in exchange for permanently promising to end his tempestuous "dangerous" affair with Mary - his own cousin.

Vincent's conducted the murders in retaliation for (1) Zasa's hitmen personally attacking him in his own home when he was sleeping with journalist Grace Hamilton (Bridget Fonda), and (2) conspiring to assassinate Michael during a massacre of mob bosses in an Atlantic City hotel meeting (by a helicopter/machine gun attack). Other syndicate crime associates also conspired against Michael's efforts, and further complications and conflicts arose when Michael's illegitimate ( bastardo), hot-headed nephew Vincent Mancini-Corleone (Andy Garcia), the illegitimate son of Michael's late brother Sonny, personally carried out the murder of Michael's own long-time rival Joey Zasa (Joe Mantegna) on July 4th in Little Italy during a street fair parade. Delays in the deal came about when Pope Paul VI died, and the transaction couldn't be ratified. Through the charitable Vito Corleone Foundation (fronted by his daughter Mary), Michael made a $600 million donation to presiding (and corrupt) church officer Archbishop Gilday (Donal Donnelly) to help the Vatican with its real estate/loan problems, and received in exchange controlling interest in an international real estate holding company multiconglomerate called Immobiliare (its largest shareholder was the Vatican Bank). Michael had reached a semi-reconciliation with Kay and his estranged non-criminal son Anthony (Franc D'Ambrosio) (who aspired to be an opera singer rather than a lawyer), although Michael was still very close with daughter Mary Corleone (Sofia Coppola). Patrick's Cathedral, a first step toward cleansing himself, breaking his ties to 'Mafia' business, legitimizing his violent reputation, and buying his way toward respectability, as well as finding a worthy successor. In the opening scene set in NY, an aging 60s-ish Michael received the Order of San Sebastian from the Catholic Church at St. Consigliere and adopted brother Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) was now dead, replaced by BJ Harrison (George Hamilton), and the Lake Tahoe compound was in disrepair, as Michael had moved out of the casino business. Last seen each other after divorcing in 1959. Have his older brother Fredo killed and eight years since Michael and Kay (Diane Keaton) had

In 1979, about 20 years after Don Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) gave the order to The third part of the Corleone story began

The Godfather (1972) | The Godfather, Part II (1974) | The Godfather, Part III (1990)