His sound is powered by his talent and perfectionism, which is virtually unequaled by other guitarists. Backing Track by jose garcia vazquez (YOUTUBE). Of course, there’s much more to Eric’s sound than guitars, amps, and effects. Dickie Fredericks Apache (The Shadows Cover) Fractal Audio Axe FX III Ibanez RG5120M UA710d Dickie takes a pass at The Shadows’, Apache. It’s fun to watch Eric conjure unique sounds through a mix of vintage and modern equipment that will make you want to head to the nearest music store to add more toys to your arsenal. The concert, recorded in 1988, included several songs from the yet-to-be-released album Ah Via Musicom, which hit the retail market in 1990. Ill get a video (hotel California solo cover probably) up soon (once I get my new guitar as I have a broken neck pickup on my current one). I think the announcer for the show says it best: “Now, here’s one of the most incredible guitarists around in any style of music -Eric Johnson.” I want to attempt cliffs of dover, as its one of my favourite guitar pieces, isnt unreasonably fast, and I figure it will be a beneficial learning experienceThats fair enough.

Eric makes pulls off seemingly impossible phrases with such style and finesse that he makes it look easy. This concert is one of the best examples of a live performance by Eric Johnson. Final Thoughts On The Eric Johnson Live From Austin TX Concert